About Us

Welcome to VFH Foundation

The VFH Foundation didn’t start with big plans but with a simple dream of two friends to spread happiness. They began by creating inspiring quotes and visiting a home for individuals with mental disabilities, sparking a movement. Today, with 30 plus members, 500 volunteers, and eight branches the foundation raises funds for over 20 different projects covering education, social concerns, and disaster relief guided by the motto ‘Help to the Helpless. We’ve faced challenges like Cyclone Gaja and the pandemic, addressing them with our H2H app. We’ve also helped communities with problems like caste certificates and early marriage.


Join us

Let’s make a difference! Whether by volunteering, donating, or sharing our story, you can help Voice From Heart create a brighter future for all.

  • Food

  • Education

  • Medical

Help to Helpless to Elders

Our Goal

To seek, To provoke, To ensure and Not to procure


"Everyone in this world deserves to live a healthy and happy life"
To propel the youth to get involved in social activities with the aim of disseminating knowledge and serving humanity. As well as to incite children to over come fear and develop confidence which will help them to overcome various hurdles of life, "Overcoming stage of fear is priority"
We would like to devote our time and energy in the upliftment of every human of our society.


"Bestow with infinite love"
To enlighten children and youth to develop life skills along with the urge to kill poverty.. and thereby leading them into a mainstream of glee for their competitive world along with their adult life. Also to enable them with advanced scientific knowledge, social awareness and create a culture of humanity.

Our Associate


Professional People

Meet Volunteers

Become a volunteer

Make a difference in someone's life today!

Voice From Heart (VFH) is an NGO with a focus on humanitarian and social service activities. VFH is an NGO (Non Governmental organization) started by youngsters with heart full of love and humanity. Read more


Call Us 9360135705
Reach Us 2/348, F, SPM Colony, Behind Travellors Bungalow, Paramakudi - 623707


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

© Copyright 2024 by VFH Foundation